API Docs

Flask extension for Invenio-SIP2.

class invenio_sip2.ext.InvenioSIP2(app=None)[source]

Invenio-SIP2 extension.

Extension initialization.


Add console handler to logger.


Add file handler to logger.

classmethod get_logging_formatter()[source]

Return logging formatter.


Flask application initialization.


Initialize configuration.

property retries_allowed[source]

Number of retries allowed by the automated circulation system.

property sip2[source]

Return the SIP2 action machine.

property sip2_current_date

Get current date from system.

property sip2_handlers[source]

Return the SIP2 handler machine.

property sip2_message_types[source]

Message type configuration.

property support_checkin[source]

Support of checkin by the automated circulation system.

property support_checkout[source]

Support of checkout by the automated circulation system.

property support_offline_status[source]

Support of offline status by the automated circulation system.

property support_online_status[source]

Support of online status by the automated circulation system.

property support_renewal_policy[source]

Support of renewal policy by the automated circulation system.

property support_status_update[source]

Support of status update by the automated circulation system.

property supported_messages[source]

Supported messages by the automated circulation system.

property supported_protocol[source]

Supported protocol by the automated circulation system.

property timeout_period[source]

Timeout period allowed by the automated circulation system.


Load fixed field configuration.


Load variable field configuration.


Invenio-SIP2 custom actions.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.AutomatedCirculationSystemStatus(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to get status from automated circulation system.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.BlockPatron(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to block patron.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.Checkin(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to checkin an item.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute checkin action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.Checkout(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to checkout an item.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute checkout action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.EndPatronSession(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to end patron session on automated circulation system.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.FeePaid(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to paid fee.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.Hold(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to hold an item.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute hold action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.ItemInformation(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to get item information from automated circulation system.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.ItemStatusUpdate(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to update item status.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.PatronEnable(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to enable patron on automated circulation system.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.PatronInformation(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to get patron information from automated circulation system.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.PatronStatus(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to get patron status from automated circulation system.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.Renew(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to renew an item.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute checkout action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.RenewAll(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to renew all items.

Init action object.

execute(message, client, **kwargs)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.RequestResend(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to resend last message.

Init action object.

execute(message, client)[source]

Execute action.

class invenio_sip2.actions.actions.SelfCheckLogin(command, response, **kwargs)[source]

Action to selfcheck login.

Init action object.

execute(message, **kwargs)[source]

Execute action.

Records API

API for manipulating the client.

class invenio_sip2.records.record.Client(data, **kwargs)[source]

class for selfcheck client.

Initialize instance with dictionary data.


data – Dict with record metadata.


Shortcut to library name.


Shortcut to patron session.


Get generated key for Client object.


Get server object.

property institution_id

Shortcut to institution id.

property is_authenticated

Shortcut to check if the selfcheck client is authenticated.

property library_name

Shortcut to library name.

property remote_app

Shortcut for remote app.

property server_id

Get server identifier.

property terminal

Shortcut to terminal.

property transaction_user_id

Shortcut to user id.

class invenio_sip2.records.record.Server(data, **kwargs)[source]

class for SIP2 server.

Initialize instance with dictionary data.


data – Dict with record metadata.

classmethod create(data, id_=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create record.

  • data – Dict with metadata.

  • id – Specify a UUID to use for the new record.


Delete server and all attached clients.

classmethod find_server(**kwargs)[source]

Find server depending kwargs.


Return clients.

property is_running

Check if server is running.

property number_of_clients

Shortcut for number of clients.

class invenio_sip2.records.record.Sip2RecordMetadata(data, **kwargs)[source]

Sip2RecordMetadata class.

Initialize instance with dictionary data.


data – Dict with record metadata.

classmethod count()[source]

Return number of all records based on record type.

classmethod create(data, id_=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create record.

  • data – Dict with metadata.

  • id – Specify a UUID to use for the new record.


Delete record by uuid.


Return pure Python dictionary with record metadata.

classmethod get_all_records()[source]

Get all records.


Get generated key for Sip2RecordMetadata object.

classmethod get_record_by_id(id_)[source]

Get record by uuid.

property id

Shortcut for id.

search(query='*', index_type=None, filter_query=None)[source]

Search record by query.


Update instance with dictionary data.


data – Dict with metadata.


Models for Invenio-SIP2.

class invenio_sip2.models.PatronStatus[source]

Class to define patron status.



Add patron status.


patron_status_type – Enum of patron status type

Add patron_status_type indicates that the condition is true. raise exception if patron status type does not exist.

class invenio_sip2.models.PatronStatusTypes(value)[source]

Enum class to list all possible patron status types.

CARD_REPORTED_LOST = 'card_reported_lost'
CHARGE_PRIVILEGES_DENIED = 'charge_privileges_denied'
EXCESSIVE_OUTSTANDING_FEES = 'excessive_outstanding_fees'
EXCESSIVE_OUTSTANDING_FINES = 'excessive_outstanding_fines'
HOLD_PRIVILEGES_DENIED = 'hold_privileges_denied'
RECALL_OVERDUE = 'recall_overdue'
RECALL_PRIVILEGES_DENIED = 'recall_privileges_denied'
RENEWAL_PRIVILEGES_DENIED = 'renewal_privileges_denied'
TOO_MANY_CLAIMS_OF_ITEMS_RETURNED = 'too_many_claims_of_items_returned'
TOO_MANY_ITEMS_BILLED = 'too_many_items_billed'
TOO_MANY_ITEMS_CHARGED = 'too_many_items_charged'
TOO_MANY_ITEMS_LOST = 'too_many_items_lost'
TOO_MANY_ITEMS_OVERDUE = 'too_many_items_overdue'
TOO_MANY_RENEWALS = 'too_many_renewals'
class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckCheckin(permanent_location, checkin=False, alert=False, magnetic_media=False, resensitize=False, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing checkin handler response.


:param permanent_location - permanent_location of the item :param checkin - checkin operation is success or not :param alert - indicate if the selcheck will generate sound alert :param magnetic_media - indicate the presence of magnetic media :param resensitize - resensitize an item ? :param kwargs - optional fields

property has_magnetic_media

Shortcut for desensitize.

property is_success

Shortcut for checkin.

property resensitize

Shortcut for resensitize.

property sound_alert

Shortcut for alert.

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckCheckout(title_id, checkout=False, renewal=False, magnetic_media=False, desensitize=False, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing checkout handler response.


:param title_id - title_id (e.g. title, identifier, …) :param checkout - checkout operation is success or not :param renewal - renewal operation is success or not :param magnetic_media - indicate the presence of magnetic media :param desensitize - desensitize an item ? :param kwargs - optional fields

property desensitize

Shortcut for desensitize.

property due_date

Shortcut for renewal ok.

property has_magnetic_media

Shortcut for desensitize.

property is_renewal

Shortcut for renewal ok.

property is_success

Shortcut for checkout ok.

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckCirculationStatus[source]

Class to handle all available circulation status of an item.

CHARGED = '04'
LOST = '12'
MISSING = '13'
ON_ORDER = '02'
OTHER = '01'
class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckFeeType[source]

Class to handle all available fee type.

DAMAGE = '03'
HOLD_FEE = '09'
OTHER = '01'
OVERDUE = '04'
RENTAL = '06'
class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckHold(hold=False, available=False, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing hold handler response.


:param hold - hold operation is success or not :param available - item available or not :param kwargs - optional fields

property is_available

Shortcut for available.

property is_success

Shortcut for hold ok.

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckItemInformation(item_id, title_id, circulation_status, fee_type, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing item information handler response.


:param patron_id - patron identifier (e.g. id, barcode, …) :param patron_name - full name of the patron :param institution_id - institution id (or code) of the patron :param language - iso-639-2 language :param kwargs - optional fields

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckLanguage(value)[source]

Enum class to list all available language.

ARABIC = '016'
BELGIAN = '026'
CHINESE = '019'
DANISH = '009'
DUTCH = '005'
ENGLISH = '001'
FINNISH = '007'
FRENCH = '002'
GERMAN = '003'
GREEK = '018'
HEBREW = '013'
ITALIAN = '004'
JAPANESE = '014'
KOREAN = '020'
MALAY = '023'
POLISH = '017'
RUSSIAN = '015'
SPANISH = '008'
SWEDISH = '006'
TAMIL = '022'
UNKNOWN = '000'
chi = '019'
dan = '009'
dut = '005'
eng = '001'
fin = '007'
fre = '002'
ger = '003'
gre = '018'
heb = '013'
ice = '025'
isl = '025'
ita = '004'
jpn = '014'
kor = '020'
may = '023'
msa = '023'
nor = '012'
pol = '017'
por = '010'
rus = '015'
spa = '008'
swe = '006'
tam = '022'
und = '000'
zho = '019'
class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckMediaType[source]

Class to handle all available media type.

AUDIO = '004'
BOOK = '001'
BOOK_WHIT_CD = '009'
CD_OR_CDROM = '006'
DISKETTE = '007'
MAGAZINE = '002'
OTHER = '000'
VIDEO = '005'
class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckPatronInformation(patron_id, patron_name, patron_status, institution_id, language, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing patron information handler response.


:param patron_id - patron identifier (e.g. id, barcode, …) :param patron_name - full name of the patron :param institution_id - institution id (or code) of the patron :param language - iso-639-2 language :param kwargs - optional fields

property charged_items_count

Shortcut for charged items count.

property fine_items_count

Shortcut for fine items count.

property hold_items_count

Shortcut for hold items count.

property overdue_items_count

Shortcut for overdue items count.

property patron_id

Shortcut for patron pid.

property recall_items_count

Shortcut for recall items count.

property unavailable_items_count

Shortcut for unavailable items count.

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckPatronStatus(patron_status, language, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing patron information handler response.


:param patron_id - patron identifier (e.g. id, barcode, …) :param patron_name - full name of the patron :param institution_id - institution id (or code) of the patron :param language - iso-639-2 language :param kwargs - optional fields

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckRenew(title_id, renew=False, renewal=False, magnetic_media=False, desensitize=False, **kwargs)[source]

Class representing renew handler response.


:param title_id - title_id (e.g. title, identifier, …) :param renew - renew operation is success or not :param renewal - renewal operation is success or not :param magnetic_media - indicate the presence of magnetic media :param desensitize - desensitize an item ? :param kwargs - optional fields

property desensitize

Shortcut for desensitize.

property has_magnetic_media

Shortcut for desensitize.

property is_renewal

Shortcut for renewal ok.

property is_success

Shortcut for renew ok.

class invenio_sip2.models.SelfcheckSecurityMarkerType[source]

lass to handle all available security marker type.

NONE = '01'
OTHER = '00'

Rest API

API blueprint for Invenio-SIP2.

class invenio_sip2.views.rest.Monitoring[source]

Monitoring class.

classmethod get_clients_by_server_id(server_id)[source]

Get list of clients by server id.

classmethod get_number_client_by_server(server_id)[source]

Get total number of clients by server.

classmethod get_servers()[source]

Get list of servers.

classmethod status()[source]

Check status for all servers.


Display all connected clients to server.


Display all running SIP2 servers.


Display all running SIP2 servers.


Display status for all SIP2 server.


Blueprint for Invenio-SIP2.


Render a basic view.