API Docs

Flask extension for Invenio-SIP2.

class invenio_sip2.ext.InvenioSIP2(app=None)[source]

Invenio-SIP2 extension.

Extension initialization.


Flask application initialization.


Initialize configuration.

property retries_allowed[source]

Number of retries allowed by the automated circulation system.

property sip2[source]

Return the SIP2 action machine.

property sip2_current_date

Get current date from system.

property sip2_handlers[source]

Return the SIP2 handler machine.

property sip2_message_types[source]

Message type configuration.

property support_checkin[source]

Support of checkin by the automated circulation system.

property support_checkout[source]

Support of checkout by the automated circulation system.

property support_offline_status[source]

Support of offline status by the automated circulation system.

property support_online_status[source]

Support of online status by the automated circulation system.

property support_renewal_policy[source]

Support of renewal policy by the automated circulation system.

property support_status_update[source]

Support of status update by the automated circulation system.

property supported_messages[source]

Supported messages by the automated circulation system.

property supported_protocol[source]

Supported protocol by the automated circulation system.

property timeout_period[source]

Timeout period allowed by the automated circulation system.


Load fixed field configuration.


Load variable field configuration.


Blueprint for Invenio-SIP2.


Render a basic view.